miércoles, 2 de junio de 2010

Homophobic Bullying

Homophobic Bullying

What is the bullying? ....................................................

What can we do about bullying situations? ......................

Where does the homophobic bullying take place?

Status of LGBT youth in schools

Tutoring Project

What is the bullying?
Bullying is harassment that is characterized as SECRET, which involves a MORAL DESTRUCTION, NOT LET OUTPUTS to the person who suffers it.
We can say that all bullyings have a homophobic element, since homosexuality is used as an instrument to attack the victims of bullying (words like sissy, fag, pussy, used to chide the victim of bullying in an indiscriminate way and no matter what sexual orientation of the individual. Therefore, it is used by the negative charge of the word.) Homophobic harassment, is characterized by more secret than the rest of the bullyings. That is, the person suffering homophobic bullying for being LGBT(acronym referring collectively to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people), he/she save the secret bullying situation, since you can not talk about their orientation and / or sexual identity openly with other people (relatives, friends, teachers, etc..) regarding the lack of positive about homosexuality, myths, prejudices and other situations. Therefore, the pupil to become an LGBT harassed person, invisible in the classroom. Such harassment is a situation of moral destruction: people that are internalized different, that are not valid, they have feeling of inferiority. Bullying does not exits, the person who suffers is caught in a difficult situation without support. One of the biggest problems when it comes to homophobic bullying is invisibility of the problem: educators, teachers, etc, are incapable of seeing the situation precisely because of the secrecy property. In many cases, the harassment of LGBT people are also LGBT, but not have recognized or accepted their homosexuality or bisexuality, and thus attack and vent their ire against the rest of LGBT people.

What can we do about bullying situations?
Many times is very difficult to identify the victim and the aggressor. Bullying is harassment of one or more persons to another person identified. It supposed sustained pain that remains permanently in time. Therefore when you talk about bullying are not talking about an isolated case, but harassment is maintained and extended in time and that is growing exponentially. The bullying can suffer effects such as: the person starts to bother class or to stop going to school, etc.
We find two types of attitudes to bullying situations: assets and liabilities. The person who is active in a situation of harassment is one that involved, and therefore their attitude can either help the offender or the victim. He/She can stand up for the person suffering the bullying or otherwise may be added to assailant and rebuke the person. The person who decides to remain passive in situations of bullying only "help" the aggressor. Therefore, as educators we are educating and working with viewer to intervene with bullying situations, and make him understand that at one point his figure can help minimize and reduce situations harassment, assault, contempt, etc. Almost always the victims of bullying are people who stand out for some reason relative to other peers. (They're LGBT, race, intellectual level physical appearance). these features are used by attackers to abuse and harassment of victims of bullying.

The offender is usually an insecure person of itself. One of the key issues work with offenders is that of empathy with the victim while we use assertiveness work.

Where does the homophobic bullying take place?
The homophobic bullying occurs mostly in public places. This means that in most cases perpetrators are not punished, homophobic bullying is characterized by impunity and partners of the victims / aggressors are passive in these situations therefore help the aggressor, and harassed person is kept secret. Today new technologies are new means by which we practice homophobic bullying. According to research conducted by the Catalan Institute study of violence:
1. The victims of homophobic bullying have a high sense of loneliness.
2. The attacks are unpunished in public places.
3. Faced with situations of bullying does not take into account the homophobic.
4. Bullying vs messenger. (The bullying through social networks or messenger.)
5. LGBT person invisible to the bullying.
Status of LGBT youth in schools:
- Sexuality is addressed within the institutes from a heterosexual perspective.
- The family exemplaries that are shown inside the high schools are the ones of traditional families. (family consisting of married heterosexual parents and sons / daughters.)
- LGBT people are invisible in schools, and therefore teachers "did not perceive" the reality or the need for diversity work emotional and sexual. Note that, in schools (as in the rest of the society) is given universal assumption of heterosexuality.
- LGBT People are afraid of being stigmatized, isolated by their own peers, as well as by the team of teachers.
- Lack of awareness and ignorance on the part of teachers and to address affective and sexual diversity in the classroom.
- High stigmatization of people who adopt gender roles associated with other sex (transsexual or transgender people).
- Inside the school we found that homophobia and sexism are like two sides of the same coin.
Tutoring Project.
Schools are a reflection of discrimination and homophobia existing in society. In this situation LGBT youth encounter:
- Lack of family support.
- Isolation and victimization.
- Inhibition of teachers.
It is important that LGBT young people feel loved and information centers educational reference. To address the issue prominently LGBT center in some IES in Spain where carries out the theme of mentoring LGBT annually promoted initiatives such as LGBT Cultural Day which aims to:
1. poetry.
2. Music.
3. conferences.
4. Exhibitions
5. So on.
This type of meeting is open to the collaboration of all those who so desire, regardless of sexual orientation and identity.
The LGBT mentoring project is a program of support and guidance to young LGBT for self-esteem, get advice, find positive references answer your questions about homosexuality, bisexuality or transsexuality. This type of service is completely confidential, which ensures that thing and youth LGBT can find a safe space.

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